Sunday, November 13, 2011

Our Little Surprise.

My pregnancy was a total surprise as my husband and I were planning on to wait to have a baby till I finished school. I have always been plagued with an unpredictable cycle and was finally diagnosed with Polycysitc Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in 2008 and was prescribed birth control. That news really didn't hit me because I had real no idea what it was so I didn't know what kind of questions to ask my dr. So as I did my own research on this 'thing' I was diagnosed with my heart sank. As my eyes ran across the word 'infertility' I felt as though someone ran a knife into the center of my heart. I just sat there and thought "A family is all I want". Fast forward though a bought of depression and then drowning myself in school and busy work I came to term with my PCOS. Here comes the year 2010.

So August of 2010 my brother in laws house brunt down and as a thank you to our local volunteer fire department for coming to the rescue and putting out the fire I baked them 3 dozen cookies and brought them to their next meeting. So my husband, brother in law, and I walk in carrying these cookies and were asked to stay in and listen to the meeting and afterwards give them some feedback and visit for a while. By the end of the meeting we all three had applications to join them in brother/sisterhood. We filled out the applications and at the next business meeting we were voted in! I am sure you are wondering what the heck does the FD have to do with your pregnancy? Give me a min.....

So as part of the FD they send you to cool trainings to better your as most people out here think we are just a bunch of rednecks throwing water on a fire is a total misconception....we have training. So the very first training we went to was a vehicle extrication class where we had to travel and stay since the training was a 3 day ordeal. Well my husband and I shared a room and my BIL shared a room with another FD member. Well since my BIL house had burnt down he was living with my husband and I; so as you can imagine my hubby and I don't have a lot of alone time. So we took advantage of it so you can say.

I was taking my birth control(BC) regularly because as my research told me, was that it would help you have a better chance of conceiving once you came off of it. And well since my husband and I had a plan I was religiously taking them. So as you might know with BC your period comes just like clock work or at least mine did. So when it didn't come I just thought the worst....."What could be wrong with me now".....Well 10 days late I thought what the hell let me take a pregnancy test.

So I didn't want my husband to know what was running through my mind since we had a plan and I had my friend buy the test for me and bring it over after hubby fell asleep. BAM! The test line came up before the control line and twice as dark!
I for sure thought 'nuh uh'!. Well low and behold there we were.....out of the plan we had sought out. God sure does have a funny way of saying....."Kids....I'm in control and this is what is in my my plan"

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